Who We Are
CCS has a eight member Board of Directors, Executive Director, Volunteer Program Assistant, and Amazing Volunteers.
Currently serving residents of Sanford and Fritch. Our vision is to expand into the top 26 counties of the Panhandle.
CCS Community Needs Program is uniquely designed to help in every area of need. We ask all our clients to set goals and list 2 steps they are going to take to reach that goal. Many have told us it has been long time since they have thought of future goals. They are just trying to get today's needs met. We start improving lives by providing basic needs: food, clothing, cleaning, hygiene items and limited financial assistance. Some of our clients are senior citizens and will continue to need our help on an ongoing basis. One of our clients we are calling Mary is a senior citizen. Our staff helped Mary sign up for food stamps. She told us that because of the help and food that we provide, she is eating the best food she has ever had in her life.
Removing obstacles from our client’s lives is the next important step. Fees for getting birth certificates, driver license, and other needed documentation are also paid for. When Joe came to us, he needed food and help getting his GED. When Joe was in 10th grade, his dad died suddenly. He started drinking and doing drugs which led to him dropping out of school. Joe became a Christian at 28 and got free from his addictions. He applied for a job and was told that if he would get his GED, they would hold it for him for a short period. Joe began working in CCS computer lab with tutors daily. CCS paid for each test and supplied all the study materials. He insisted that his graduation party be held on his mom’s birthday. He had officially become the first person in his family to get a GED or High School Equivalent in his entire family. Many happy tears were shed that night and he started his new job the following Monday. He is now encouraging others to pursue their educational goals.
When we help financially such as paying utilities, we require a budgeting class at CCS after the second request. Clients have told us this has been eye opening and helped them start planning better for next month. For students we provide Shoes for Students three times a year. We are also excited about adding a new program. A request was made by a high school counselor to pay dual credit tuition for 2 students who would otherwise not have the opportunity to go to college. The board made an immediate exception to pay for those students. We are now in the process of adding scholarship funds for next year. This is a way to keep these young adults from needing assistance from any nonprofit in the future. Angel Tree is organized and distributed by our staff. Last year through the community's generosity 107 kids received Christmas that included many of their specific wants and needs. Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Meal boxes are also provided to our clients.
Much of the mission of CCS guides individuals and families to education in order to gain skills to become self-sufficient over time. This includes providing adult education regarding financial management/obtaining financial aid for college/job preparation, resume development, and computer software training in our computer lab.
CCS pays for GED high school equivalency testing and provides tutors.
CCS was incorporated in the State of Texas in September 2014 and obtained status as a 501(c)3 non-profit May 2015.
Our Values:
Treating clients with dignity and confidentiality
Providing Hope
Removing Shame
Breaking Barriers
Providing Opportunity
Eliminating Poverty
Bringing Community Together
Leveraging Resources
Building Self Esteem